Day 1072 Ryan May 16, 2019 Ryan Chapman Ocean Puns, Text Only Puns keywords: help, kelp, ocean, sea Facebook Comments seaweed Share This Tweet Share Share Email Pin It Related Posts Day 1185 Ryan Wow! Big outdoor sporting goods store setting up for a giant row boat sale. Looks like it will be quite an oar deal. Day 1449 Adam I often like to sail out into the ocean just to think. I should probably stop though because losing all those boats is getting exthpenthive. Day 1149 Ryan Do I enjoy fishing trips where we don't catch anything? Not one bit.
Day 1185 Ryan Wow! Big outdoor sporting goods store setting up for a giant row boat sale. Looks like it will be quite an oar deal.
Day 1449 Adam I often like to sail out into the ocean just to think. I should probably stop though because losing all those boats is getting exthpenthive.