Day 857 Ryan (bonus 2) October 13, 2018 Ryan Chapman Drinking Puns, Meme Puns keywords: hell, ale, beer, Facebook Comments beer Share This Tweet Share Share Email Pin It Related Posts Day 1445 Adam Did you know that Dr. Pepper does not actually practice medicine? He has his degree in fizz-ics. Day 1162 Ryan My wife: Did you have a beer? I can smell it on your breath. Me: No. I had rabbit stew though. You're just smelling the hops. Day 1405 Adam I am terrible at canning frozen orange juice. I just can't concentrate.
Day 1445 Adam Did you know that Dr. Pepper does not actually practice medicine? He has his degree in fizz-ics.
Day 1162 Ryan My wife: Did you have a beer? I can smell it on your breath. Me: No. I had rabbit stew though. You're just smelling the hops.